Editorial: Sustainability-Audits with Trainees - Insights into the pilot project NAUZUBI
NAUZUBI is the acronym for a pilot project initiated by the German Federal Institute for Vocational Training (BIBB) with the title “Nachhaltigkeits-Audits mit Auszubildenden - Ein lernortkooperativer Modellversuch für eine nachhaltige Berufsausbildung“ (engl.: Sustainability-Audits with Trainees - A pilot project for Sustainable Vocational Training) which is funded by the Federal Ministry For Education and Research from 2015 - 2019 within the BIBB programme “Vocational Education and Training for Sustainable Development“. A consortium of two universities, five companies, three vocational schools in Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), the German Federation of Trade Unions and the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in NRW and participating trainees develop sustainability audits and test them in practise. The over-all objective of the pilot project is to 1) transform the participating companies into sustainable learning environments with educational training structures which offer access to sustainability topics ensuring learn effectiveness and 2) design and implement audits in the context of sustainability which are education and training related.
Keywords: Sustainability, Vocational education and training for sustainable development (BBNE), Audit, vocational training