Editorial: Technological literacy - Relevance spectrum, educational standards and research perspectives


  • Bernd Zinn Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft (IfE), Lehrstuhl für Berufspädagogik mit Schwerpunkt Technikdidaktik (BPT)




In the reference field relating to the increasing importance of a general basic technical education, new subjects - such as technology or science and technology - have also increasingly been introduced in the last few years within the grammar school sector. In the meantime, subjects are taught with a general technical educational programme in virtually all federal states. The following article describes key research perspectives for a basic technical education in grammar schools providing a general education - after an initial review of the fundamental relevance spectrum of the general technical education and an analysis of national and international educational policy documents on technical education.

Keywords: Technological literacy, science and technology, grammar school, professoinal didactic technology, educational standards


